If your routine goes unfulfilled, you can now receive that reminder by Pixela!
Pixela is a web service that supports your efforts and routines through visualization, but with this update, it’s even more powerful. You can now receive a notification if a predetermined number (threshold) is not exceeded by the specified time. Yes, it’s a reminder feature.
Steps to use Pixela’s remind feature
This section explains the steps to use Pixela’s remind function, starting with registering as a Pixela user. Since Pixela is an API service, you need to send an HTTP request with like the following command.
$ curl -X POST https://pixe.la/v1/users -d '{"token":"thisissecret", "username":"your-name", "agreeTermsOfService":"yes", "notMinor":"yes"}'
You can find the terms of use here.
Next, let’s create a graph. It would be nice if one graph corresponded to one of the daily routines you have. The following is an example command.that is).
$ curl -X POST https://pixe.la/v1/users/your-name/graphs -H 'X-USER-TOKEN:thisissecret' -d '{"id":"your-graph","name":"Your graph name","unit":"count","type":"int","color":"shibafu"}'
Next, you’ll need to register information about where you want to send reminder notifications — Pixela calls it a “Channel”.
$ curl -X POST https://pixe.la/v1/users/your-name/channels -H 'X-USER-TOKEN:thisissecret' -d '{"id":"my-channel","name":"My slack channel","type":"slack","detail":{"url":"https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx","userName":"Slack User Name","channelName":"slack-channel-name"}}'
Pixela currently only supports Slack. https://hooks.slack.com_services/xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxx
is the Incoming webhook URL that you created in Slack beforehand. For more information, please see the following links.
Finally, set the notification conditions. We call this a “Notification”.
$ curl -X POST https://pixe.la/v1/users/your-name/graphs/your-graph/notifications -H 'X-USER-TOKEN:thisissecret' -d '{"id":"my-reminder","name":"My First Reminder","target":"quantity","condition":">","threshold":"5","remindBy":"21","channelID":"my-channel"}'
An example of this notification condition is to “remind you by 21:00 every day if the number in your-graph
is not greater than 5 for that day”.
The actual notification looks something like this.
That’s all for the explanation. Right now, people around the world are fighting the virus. One of the powerful weapons in that battle is WFH (Work From Home), right? I hope this update of Pixela has helped you in your fight.