Long time no see! Pixela here.
Hello! Pixela developer, a-know here.
I launched Pixela about a year ago and have been doing improvement since then, but this medium update has been delayed, sorry. Today I’m going to share a digest of Pixela’s updates over the past year.
v1.1.0 — You can now clear data cached on GitHub
If you reference image data generated by Pixela (svg) and refereed such as from the GitHub Readme, GitHub automatically caches that data. This caused Pixela’s data to update, but not change when viewed on GitHub.
I’ve updated Pixela to allow you to clear GitHub’s cache when Pixela’s data is updated. It makes use of the original HTTP request, PURGE
v1.2.0 — Support for Incoming Webhook
To update Pixela’s data, the user token must to be specified in the HTTP request header. With the update to v 1.2.0, you can create incoming webhook urls. This makes it easier to update Pixela’s data. Since the request body is not evaluated, it is now available to various products that can send out Webhook requests.
v1.3.0 — You can now display smaller images.
Data display for 90 days is supported. It is easier to put it on your website sidebar.
v1.3.3 — Isolated API document as a separate site
See the link above. I would like to use Swagger in the future.
v1.4.0 — Timezones supported
Pixela only handles daily data, but the inclusion of Incoming Webhook also requires timezone considerations. The default is UTC
v1.5.0 — html page for each graph
I have an html page where you can see not only the graph image but also its stats.
On this page, you can also mouse over each pixel to display a tooltip.
You can also switch the display period.
Here is digression… Pixela won the Mashup Award 2018 — FESTA, Japan’s fun tech contest.
Winner in the API category. This was very encouraging. With this prize money, I was able to renew the logo of the service.
Let’s this digression call it quits…
v1.6.0 — You can now have extra data in pixels
In addition to values such as ints and floats, you can now add additional data to pixels. Additional data is specified as a json string.
v1.7.0 — Support for self-sufficiency mode
This mode allows you to increment/decrement the value of a pixel for the day as soon as the chart is displayed. I think it is perfect for the purpose such as counting the number of page views of a site.
v1.9.0 — Line chart display supported
v1.10.1 — Graph Listing and Secret Mode Supported
The URL https://pixe.la/v1/users/<username>/graphs.html
now supports viewing the user’s list of charts.
At the same time, I supported Secret Mode for graphs that you want to not list. However, this is a limited feature for those who support Pixela at Patreon.
v1.12.0 — SVG can now contain additional data
SVG can now contain additional data supported in v1.6.0 . You can also display additional data in a tooltip. This function is also for patrons only.
v1.12.1 — Modes supported for use in iframes
This allows you to embed graphs in your site without having to prepare a difficult script.
v1.13.0 — You can now receive the notification in slack about the change in value for that day.
For example, you can:
It measures your blog’s page count with a Pixela graph (with self-sufficient mode) and notifies slack if the page exceeds 500.
If you’re a Pixela patron, you can set multiple thresholds.
Finally. I also released a command line tool.
Because Pixela is an API service, you had to execute the curl command many times to use it. Using this command line tool will reduce the number of types you have.
That’s all for the digest! About the future of Pixela
Over the past year, Pixela has been able to collect:
- Many users
- 53 useful cases; https://github.com/a-know/Pixela/wiki/Useful-case-examples
- 25 third pirty libraries; https://github.com/a-know/Pixela/wiki/Third-Party-Libraries
- 106 GitHub Stars; https://github.com/a-know/Pixela/stargazers
The creative act of developing Web services is my daily energy. Currently, the majority of our users are in Japan, but I would like to continue sending out messages by medium so that Pixela can be used more globally. Please cheer me up by using Pixela!